Close-up shot of hard-working university students sharing ideas with each other concerning their joint project while sitting at modern classroom

Guides on Study Program (Undergraduate Studies-UG)

About This Guide

All students are required to complete program registration procedures in each regular term.

Program registration involves payment of tuition and other prescribed fees where appropriate and confirms students’ enrollment at the University.

Failure to enroll in the program in any one regular term may be required to withdraw from the program and the University, unless a formal approval of Leave from Study has been obtained from the student’s Thrust/College. A student must be officially registered in the program in the regular term when he/she is being considered for graduation from that program.

A student’s registration in a program is automatically revoked if the student fails to complete course registration, or subsequently withdraws from all courses enrolled, or is not approved by the Thrust/College to proceed with course registration. In such circumstances, the student is deemed to have withdrawn from the University.

Students who have completed the degree requirements by the end of a term are not allowed to continue registration any longer.

Each student enrolled in a specific program is subject to the requirements of the Thrust/College and the University. Exemption from specific requirements is possible, but only in well justified circumstances and with written permission from Thrust/College.

Duration of Study (UG)

Undergraduate students are expected to complete their program of study within eight regular terms, spreading over four academic years. Permitted leave from study for a full regular term will not count toward the limits on registration.

Double Registration (UG)

Unless prior permission is obtained from the University, students are not permitted to concurrently register for another program at this University or at another tertiary institution.

Student enrollment lists are compared with those of other tertiary institutions from time to time. If students are found to be registered elsewhere, they will normally be required to discontinue their studies at this University.

Students who wish to apply for simultaneous registration should submit an Application for Double Registration to the Academic Registry Services together with appropriate documentary evidence. Students will be notified of the result of the application in writing.

Program Transfer (UG)

A student may change from one program of study to another with the permission of the Thrust into which the student wishes to transfer. Application for program transfer should be made prior to the beginning of a regular term. Normally, the transfer will not be effected until the following regular term. Students who wish to transfer to another program of study in the middle of a term should obtain prior approval of the Thrust and the Dean or the Dean’s designate. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, requests for program transfers to be effected in the middle of a regular term are not supported.

When a student is transferred from one program to another, the entire course grade and credit record of the student will be carried forward to the new (transfer-in) program and will be used in the calculation of grade averages. The transfer-in Thrust will decide on the courses and the number of credits the student is required to complete for graduation from the new program.

Students who have transferred from one program of study to another, in that their period of study on all programs in which they have been enrolled, will all count toward the maximum duration of study.

Leave from Study (UG)

In exceptional circumstances with sufficient justification, students may apply for Leave from Study. Application for Leave from Study should be made by student prior to the beginning of a regular term, in which the leave from study status will become effective. Under exceptional circumstances, such as health issues, the leave period can commence at other times. Application for Leave in the current term within two weeks prior to the commencement of the final examination period will normally not be accepted.

All undergraduate students should obtain initial endorsements from Residential College. Request for Leave from Study for one regular term requires approval of the Thrust/College. Application for two consecutive regular terms or more may also requires approval of the Dean or the Dean’s designate. Leave from Study cumulating to more than one academic year will normally not be granted. Permitted Leave from Study of a complete regular term will not count towards the time limit on registration. However, the maximum time allowed for degree completion still holds.

Withdrawal from Program (UG)

Students who wish to withdraw from the University should complete an Application of Withdrawal of Study. All outstanding matters such as loans of equipment and books, payment of fines and outstanding charges should be settled with departments/offices concerned.