Women read books and men use laptops to search for books in libraries.

PG Graduation Guide (Spring-Summer, 2023-24)

About This Guide

When students have completed, or are registered in courses that will complete, the academic and non-academic requirements for an award, they will be included in the list of pending graduates. The non-academic requirement includes the settlement of all fees or fines payable and that there is no serious case pending decision with the Student Disciplinary Committee.

For more details, please refer to the Academic Regulations and the Handbooks for Postgraduate Studies.

Academic Regulations Governing Postgraduate Studies for The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)

Handbook for Taught Postgraduate Studies

Handbook for Research Postgraduate Studies

Graduation Requirements (PG)

To be considered for graduation, all PG students must:

a) have completed all degree requirements for an award

b) have obtained a GGA of 2.850 or above

For MPhil and PhD students, they must also:

a) have attained a pass in the thesis examination,

b) have met the residency requirements of the program.

Students are not required to apply for graduation. The Academic Registry Services will identify the potential graduates for each degree program around six weeks after the start of the term.

Students who have completed their program requirements are NOT allowed to continue their registration for the same program of study in subsequent terms.

Academic Progress

Credit Transfer

Related Academic Regulations are available here (6.2 Credit Transfer). Students should also refer to the Sections on Course Substitution and Credit Transfer on the Handbook for Research Postgraduate Studies or Taught Postgraduate Studies for further details.

Students who wish to be granted credit transfer on-entry / during study should submit their applications to the relevant academic units for approval using the GR26a form.

Course Substitution

Related Academic Regulations are available here (6.1 Course Substitution). Students should also refer to the Handbook for Research Postgraduate Studies or Taught Postgraduate Studies for further details.

Students who wish to apply for course substitution and/or course exemption should submit their applications to the relevant academic units for approval using the GR27a form.

Notes to Students

The Advisement Report is available for students to understand their study progress. Students are responsible for ensuring that they will complete all credit and non-credit requirements for their program of study for the degree award. The advisement report is only a reference on students’ study progress. There may be certain requirements which cannot be set up by system logic and they will only be verified upon graduation check near the last term of study. There are also other technical constraints which may affect the accuracy of the report. As such, students should NOT solely rely on the Report for enrolment or program requirement fulfilling purposes and are strongly advised to consult the advisors regularly for academic advice. Students should also refer to the Program Catalog regularly for the latest updates.

Progression and Academic Standing

Related Academic Regulations are available here (8. Progression and Academic Standing). Students should also refer to the Handbook for Research Postgraduate Studies or Taught Postgraduate Studies for further details.

Graduation Check Process

Verification of Graduation Status

The Academic Registry Services identifies the prospective graduates based on the following criteria:

  • Taught programs: the total number of credits (including all approved transfer credits) to be earned by the end of the term.
  • MPhil and PhD programs: the data collected in the latest Annual Progress Reports for Research Students; and the notification received from student/student’s Program Office.

Students who are identified as potential graduates will be assigned graduation status “Applied”, “Pending” or “In Review” at different stages of the graduation process:

  • Applied – at the first stage of the graduation check exercise when student is identified as potential graduate.
  • Pending – the case is being review under the graduation check exercise, passed cases will be submitted to HKUST Senate Committee for approval.
  • In Review – the case has passed the graduation check and will be submitted to HKUST Senate Committee for approval.

The graduation status can be viewed at the Student Center (My Academics > Graduation Status).

Please contact us IMMEDIATELY

  • if you are planning to graduate in the specified term but your graduation status is not updated; or
  • if you are identified as a potential graduate but will NOT be able to complete your study in the specified term. Please contact us to update your status or else you will NOT be able to enroll in courses in the subsequent terms.
  • if you are on the list but your NAME (both English and Chinese) and PROGRAM(S) registered, which will be printed on the diploma, are incorrect.

Students who have completed their program requirements are NOT allowed to continue their registration for the same program of study in subsequent terms.

The Advisement Report is available for students to understand their study progress. Students are responsible for ensuring that they will complete all credit and non-credit requirements for their program of study for the degree award.

Thesis Submission Deadline (for MPhil and PhD students)

The deadlines for students to submit final thesis copies to the University Thesis Submission System are:

  • 16 June 2024 (for Spring 2023-24)
  • 25 August 2024 (for Summer 2023-24)

Students submitting their theses to the University Thesis Submission System after the Summer deadline will be required to register and pay the tuition fees for the coming Fall term and their graduation will be deferred. To meet the deadline, please schedule the thesis examination with Program Office well in advance.

GGA Calculation

Graduation Grade Average (GGA) is based on the CGA calculated at the end of the term for which the student is placed on the list of potential graduates. All courses required by the degree requirements must be included in the calculation of the GGA.

The formula for calculating the GGA is as below:

Surplus Course Exclusion

Students may request that graded courses included in the calculation of the graduation CGA are excluded from this calculation to improve their GGA. However, no course required for the award of the student’s degree may be excluded.

Program Offices have been advised to establish their departmental policy for dealing with surplus courses in the determination of student’s GGA and have it announced to their students in advance. Students may wish to check with Program Office if there is any departmental policy. Requests should be made to Program Office at the final term of study after all grades are reported.

Students should also note that NO further changes in academic record will be entertained after graduation is confirmed by the University. Therefore, potential graduates should check their registration information, grades, GGA and courses excluded from the Student Information System regularly.

Graduation Approval

Endorsement by Hub/College Boards or their Postgraduate Studies Committees is required to confirm the graduation list and any special recommendations by Program Offices for program completion. Prospective graduates from Program Offices are considered and recommended by the HKUST(GZ) Committee on Postgraduate Studies and are then approved by the HKUST Committee on Postgraduate Studies, as delegated by the HKUST Senate.

Certification of Award

A free electronic copy (in JSON format) of Award Certification Letter will be issued by the Academic Registry Services to students who have completed their programs of study and have been formally approved by HKUST for graduation. Other than the free electronic copy, graduates may request for additional Award Certification Letter by submitting online requests (link to be announced).

Potential graduates who have not yet been approved for graduation but (1) have satisfied all the graduation requirements as confirmed by their Program Office with (2) all grades reported may apply for a provisional Award Certification Letter by submitting online requests (link) in the last month of their graduation term only if there is an urgent need of the proof of completion of studies.

After the conferment of degrees on the scheduled dates, each graduate will be issued:

  • ONE copy of the Degree Diploma in paper and electronic version (JSON format)
  • ONE free copy of the Academic Transcript in paper and electronic version (JSON format)
  • ONE free copy of the Award Certification Letter in electronic version (JSON format)

The processing and delivery of the e-documents of diploma, award certification letter and academic transcript may require a few additional days following the conferment of degree. The detailed arrangement of collection for the paper diploma and academic transcript will be sent to graduates in writing near the time of distribution.

Conferment of Degree

Degrees will be conferred in absentia at scheduled sessions below:

(1) 31 January

(2) 31 March

(3) 31 May

(4) 31 July

(5) 15 October

Students will automatically have their degrees conferred at the immediate next session of the degree conferral that follows the HKUST Committee on Postgraduate Studies (CPS) meeting in which their graduation is confirmed (e.g. students who receive HKUST CPS approval to graduate in January will have their degrees conferred on 31st January).

Key Dates for Graduation

Key Dates for Graduating in Spring Term in the year of 2023/24

Late-April 2024Announcement of preliminary graduation check results
16 June 2024Thesis Submission Deadline for Spring 2023/24
Mid-June 2024Final graduation check
No later than 19 June 2024*Submission of surplus course exclusion request via Program Office by student
Late-June 2024Recommendation for Graduation by the HKUST(GZ) Committee on Postgraduate Studies
Mid-July 2024Approval of Graduation by HKUST Senate Committee
31 July 2024Conferment of Degree


Key Dates for Graduating in Summer Term in the year of 2023/24

Late-July 2024Announcement of preliminary graduation check results
No later than 20 August 2024*Submission of surplus course exclusion request via Program Office by student
25 August 2024Thesis Submission Deadline for Spring 2023/24
Late-August 2024Final graduation check
Early September 2024Recommendation for Graduation by the HKUST(GZ) Committee on Postgraduate Studies
Mid- September 2024Approval of Graduation by HKUST Senate Committee
15 October 2024Conferment of Degree


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