Regulations & Guidelines

on Examinations & Grade Reporting (Student & Staff) 
Notes to Students:

You should familiarize yourself with the regulations related to final examinations and that of student academic discipline.

Class Enrolment

If you have not officially registered in a course and your name does not appear on the class enrolment list, you will NOT be allowed to sit for examination in the specific course concerned and will NOT be awarded any grades for the course.

Seat Numbering [applicable to on-campus examinations]

Seats of ALL examination venues will be numbered. Please take the numbered seats only or according to the seating plan posted at the examination venue by the department.

Student ID Card

You must bring your student ID card to the examination venue and should arrive at the venue 15 minutes before the commencement time. For online proctored examinations, you should also have your student ID ready as instructor may ask you to show the ID to the camera before exam starts.

Related Systems & Webpages

Click here for details.